Medical Malpractice

What Are Examples of Medical Negligence in Maryland?

Medical negligence occurs when a healthcare provider fails to meet the accepted standard of care, resulting in harm to a patient. This can happen in various ways and can lead to serious consequences.  Understanding the different types of medical negligence is crucial for patients seeking justice and compensation. Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis One common example of […]

Personal injury attorney

Reasons Why You Might Need a Medical Malpractice Attorney

If you believe that you’ve been a victim of medical malpractice, having a good personal injury attorney is important. Medical errors are one of the most common reasons a lawsuit is filed, as this sort of carelessness and recklessness can have a negatively profound effect on your life. When a healthcare professional doesn’t meet standard levels of

Back view of medical staff in protective uniform helping pregnant woman in labor

A Birth Injury May Be Medical Malpractice

An injury that a child incurs during birth is tragic, but it is even more so if it could have been avoided. If you believe your baby’s birth injury occurred because of the negligence of a medical professional, you may be entitled to compensation. Was It Medical Malpractice? An injury may be caused when a doctor

Gavel and doctor holding a stethoscope in background.

Medical Malpractice and Your Cancer Diagnosis

A cancer diagnosis can have a massive impact on your life and on your loved ones as well. It can affect not just your health, but also every other aspect of your life. What can make a cancer diagnosis even worse is when you feel your doctor may not have given you the treatment you

judge gavel in hands of doctor for criminal and civil law

What is medical malpractice?

Of all the people we should be able to trust, it is medical professionals. We depend on them when we or a loved one is most vulnerable, for good advice and excellent care. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way, and things are only made worse. Medical malpractice can make a bad situation worse, but it

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Hospital Infections Are Often Caused by Medical Negligence

If you developed an infection while in the hospital, it may have been the result of medical negligence. Hospital-acquired infections can create setbacks in your recovery, cause permanent injuries, and are often fatal. If your infection was caused by medical negligence, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical expenses, lost income and

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