Peace And Protective Orders Attorney in Waldorf, MD

Being faced with a Peace or Protective Order in Charles County can be stressful and overwhelming. Peace Orders and Protective Orders are meant to protect you from violence, harassment and/or threats. Unfortunately however, Peace Orders and Protective Orders are often filed against people who did nothing wrong. Patrick D. Troxler, Esq. has experience defending those who have Peace and Protective Orders filed against them in Charles County.

Severe Impacts

Peace and Protective Orders often have a severe impact on your life. You can be forced to leave your home, be restricted from traveling to locations, surrender firearms, and be restricted in your ability to see your children if your matter involves a spouse.

No Time To Waste

When a Peace or Protective Order is filed and served, a temporary hearing will be scheduled followed by a final hearing in one week. Do not delay. Contact Patrick D. Troxler, Esq. now.

Contact Our Firm

Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

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