Auto Accidents

Car Accidents in Snowy Conditions: Understanding Fault and Liability

Snow-covered roads can quickly turn an ordinary commute into a dangerous situation. If you’ve been involved in a snowy car accident near Waldorf or St. Charles, Maryland, you may be wondering about how fault and liability work.  Patrick D. Troxler, founder of Troxler & Troxler Law Firm, uses his local knowledge and legal expertise to guide clients through […]

If I Contributed to My Accident in Any Way, Can I Take Legal Action?

From auto crashes to slips and falls, accidents are often complex, and it’s not uncommon for those involved to wonder if they played a role in what happened. If you’re in Maryland and are concerned that your actions may have contributed to your accident, you might ask yourself, “Can I still take legal action?” At Troxler & Troxler Law

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident in Maryland?

After a truck accident in Maryland, you are most likely concentrating on recovering. However, you should contact a truck accident lawyer as soon as possible – before you contact insurance companies – to help you through the process. First, insurance companies have several tricks they use to deny your claim or offer you the least amount

female driver taking photos of road traffic accident on mobile phone for insurance claim

Keeping a Journal After a Car Accident

In the weeks after a car accident, there is a lot to deal with: police reports, insurance claims, and trying to find your way around town while your car is in the shop (or when it is no longer drivable). All of this, of course, is made even worse if you were also injured. Keeping

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What the Insurance Companies Don’t Want You To Know

Have you recently been in a car accident that wasn’t your fault? Things can move pretty fast, and you may have already been contacted by the other driver’s insurance company asking you to settle the case. You may just want the whole thing to be over, but you should make your decision carefully before accepting any offer

car crash accident on the road

Mistakes People Make After a Car Accident

In the immediate few minutes after getting into a car accident, odds are you aren’t thinking very clearly, if only because of the shock of what has just happened. If you have recently been in a car accident, though, there are some things you should do within the first few days afterward to make sure you

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Do I Need an Attorney After a Car Accident?

If you or a family member was seriously injured in a car accident, then yes, you may benefit from hiring an attorney like Mr. Patrick Troxler to handle your claim for compensation. Although the most minor of fender benders may be straightforward enough to resolve on your own, any crash involving catastrophic injury may be

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Fatal Car Accidents in Maryland

According to the latest statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were over 33,200 deadly motor vehicle accidents in the U.S. in 2019. In these crashes, more than 36,000 people lost their lives. Just like any state in the U.S., Maryland is not immune to the tragedy of fatal motor vehicle accidents. Here

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How Distraction Affects Your Driving

Distracted driving is dangerous for many reasons. It significantly impacts your ability to drive. Cell phone use – both talking and texting – remain the most obvious example of distracted driving, but there are many more. Anything that grabs your attention while you are trying to drive can affect your driving in the following ways:

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