Holding Drunk Drivers Accountable
After being hurt in a drunk driver accident, the state of Maryland allows you to file a personal injury lawsuit against the driver. A personal injury claim is designed to allow you to recover compensation for some of the losses and damages incurred due to the crash.
What Damages Can I Recover?
In Maryland, there are several types of damages that drunk driver accident victims can recover. In many cases, victims seek compensation for economic damages resulting from their accidents. This can include any lost wages they incurred, medical expenses, and costs to repair their vehicles. These damages can help you cover any financial burdens resulting from your accident as you recover and move forward.
In addition, courts recognize the non-financial impacts that accidents can have on those involved. As a result, victims can pursue action for non-economic damages to cover the added effects. These include pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, and loss of consortium. In certain cases, punitive damages are available as well. Our state places a limit on the amount of non-economic damages that can be recovered. Currently, the maximum amount is $920,000.This limit increases by $15,000 every October 1st. However, there are no limits on the amount of economic damages you can recover.
How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit?
After being hurt in a crash caused by a drunk driver, you have up to three years to file a personal injury lawsuit. If you do not file the case on time, you may lose the right to recover any compensation. This makes it vital that you act quickly. Waiting can result in the loss of evidence, which can negatively affect the amount of money you can recover.
Schedule a Case Evaluation Today
Patrick D. Troxler, Esq, at Troxler & Troxler Law Firm, has extensive experience representing crash victims in Waldorf, MD, and across the entire state who have been harmed in accidents. If you were injured by a drunk driver, you must reach out to the law firm today by filling out the online form or calling (301) 264-6072 to schedule a free consultation.